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le blog de palacin
5 février 2008

corrige DS TES the land girls



We all have souvenirs that we keep in boxes or photo albums and we look at them it brings back memories of past events, good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant.

Of course our heads are full of memories but they tend to fade with time and objects like photos, postcards, presents help us keep these memories alive. For example my grand-mother died when I was 8 and it is difficult for me to remember what she looked like. But when I see photos of this period it feels good to look at her face, and it brings back good memories of the time I spent with her and of her love for us.

I also like to read letters that my grand-father wrote from the trenches, it tells me more about the soldiers had to go through than any history lesson.And as we grow older these souvenirs tell the story of our lives and maybe one day our grand-children will be pleased to have them.

However for some people like Edith in the text souvenirs can be a source of pain that we prefer to forget about. Indeed we read that she destroyed the letter announcing her son's death and that she was not interested in keeping the letters he wrote from the front. Ratty sees that as a proof of her lack of feelings but it could also be that these letters caused her too much pain and she prefers to try and forget this pain.

As a conclusion I would say that souvenirs can be a great source of pleasant moments but if one becomes too attached to them they could stop us from living in the present which is what is probably happening to Ratty. (290 words)

le blog de palacin